2024欧洲杯下注平台 >  News center >  Learning garden

  In order to celebrate the victory of the Party's 20th Congress, and actively create a strong atmosphere for all members to study and implement the spirit of the Party's 20th Congress, recently, the trade union of the Group company organized a series of activities of "celebrating the New era of the 20th Congress"。

  First, organize and mobilize timely learning

  Organized a study meeting, the grass-roots trade unions of the group company to convey the spirit of learning the Party's 20。Everyone has said that it is necessary to study the original, combine the actual study, think deeply about the study, seriously understand the new ideas and new conclusions put forward by the Party's 20 National Congress, and make new arrangements and new requirements, and effectively unify the thought and action to the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee。

  Second, rich form flexible learning

  Organize some employees to participate in the "festive 20 Achievements of the New Era" lantern riddle guessing activities held by the Municipal Federation of Trade unions。The day of the event, crowded, more than 400 colorful "lantern riddles" hanging in the air, lively。Everyone was deeply attracted by all kinds of lantern riddles, the whole scene of the contest was festive and orderly, from time to time came bursts of laughter, and the atmosphere was happy and peaceful。The activity of guessing lantern riddles is political, interesting and entertaining, which not only carries forward the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, but also enricues the amateur cultural life of employees。

  Third, in-depth study of innovation carrier

  Organize some employees to visit the photo exhibition of Tongling City employees of "The New Era of the 20 Great Achievements of Celebration" and "Labor creates Happiness"。This exhibition is the work of the majority of photography enthusiasts in Tongling City. We enjoyed the works including G3 Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge, G347 highway and other projects undertaken by the group company。Through the appreciation and appreciation of photographic works, everyone said that they were influenced by art and culture in the depths of their souls, and further stimulated the work enthusiasm and vitality of "forging a new journey and building a new era"。