2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Discipline inspection and supervision 

The discipline inspection Commission of the Group company solidly carried out self-inspection and self-correction of the use of office buildings

Source: Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Group Company Release Time: 2023-03-17 Visits:

  In order to effectively implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the central Committee, according to the spirit requirements of the relevant documents of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Group company has recently carried out self-inspection and self-correction of the use of office rooms of the company's various departments and subsidiaries, and urged to improve the standardization and institutionalization level of office room use management。

  The inspection team compares the use of office buildings one by one through viewing drawings and field measurements。And requires all units to unify their thinking, improve awareness, fully understand the importance and urgency of carrying out this work, and take this work as an important content of the construction of party conduct and clean government, clear responsibilities, limit time limits, and steadily advance。For the individual cases that exceed the standard found in the inspection, it is required to standardize the use of the standard table through the adjustment of office occupancy, merger and withdrawal, and adjustment of personnel's office space。