2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  2020年5月6日上午,欧洲杯官方买球网址机关党支部召开支委会,组织学习习近平总书记在陕西考察时的重要讲话、《欧洲杯官方买球网址》和警示教育录等部分内容。Make a summary of the work of the party branch in April, discuss and study the work of the party branch in May。

  会议指出,要深刻领会习近平总书记的重要讲话精神,坚决克服新冠肺炎带来的不利影响,攻坚克难,开拓创新,为如期实现公司年度目标任务而不懈奋斗。It is necessary to carefully study the entire content of the Regulations on the Work of Grassroots Organizations of State-owned Enterprises of the Communist Party of China (Trial), closely connect with the actual work, and orderly promote the party building work of the company to high quality。It is necessary to combine the "three cases" warning education that is being carried out, constantly innovate the form of activities, use typical cases that occur around, educate and guide everyone to hold the bottom line, not to cross the red line, and ensure that warning education activities achieve real results。