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  According to the spirit of the relevant notice of the 2020 poverty alleviation winter offensive, on the afternoon of November 16, the municipal trading Group company organized the responsible person to go to the pairing help village to visit the poverty-stricken households。Fang Jinsong, deputy secretary of Party Working Committee of the Group company, participated in the visit。

  Each person responsible for helping goes into the homes of poor households, chats with the pair, actively promotes policies related to poverty alleviation, asks them about their own farming industry, income and physical health, and tells them to pay attention to warmth and their own safety。At the same time, combined with the pair help work since this year, listen to the opinions and suggestions of poor people, and continue to make efforts to fully complete the annual poverty alleviation goals and tasks。

  Finally, the people responsible for helping people communicated with the staff of the "two committees" and members of the poverty alleviation task force around the recent key work of poverty alleviation。Everyone unanimously said that they will strictly follow the instructions of the superior documents to implement the work, on the basis of the original, further refine the work, earnestly perform their duties, take the initiative, resolutely win the battle against poverty, and contribute their due strength to achieve the poverty alleviation goal as scheduled and build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way。