2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the morning of February 19, the second Party branch of the Group company carried out this month's "Party Day" activities。Members of the Party committee team participate in learning activities as ordinary party members。

  During the activity, we focused on the Party history - "The Centennial glory of the Communist Party of China", and watched the "Strong Umbrella Breaking the Net" clean government education film。

  The meeting pointed out that "history is the best textbook" and reviewing the century-old history of the Communist Party of China can allow us to further understand the history of the Party's founding, struggle and brilliant history, and inherit and carry forward the noble spirit of revolutionary predecessors' loyalty to the Party and selfless dedication。Through the study and education of Party history, all party members of the branch will further strengthen their ideals and beliefs and build a solid foundation of faith。At the same time, focused on watching typical case videos, education and guidance of party members, cadres and workers to continuously enhance the sense of discipline, hold the bottom line, do not cross the red line, and contribute due strength to continue to promote the high-quality development of the group company。