2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the afternoon of April 29th,The two party groups of the second branch of the group company held meetings respectively,Organized and carried out the "singing red songs, singing the soul of the Party" -- singing the red song "The red star shines on me to fight";Learned "On the History of the Communist Party of China" and watched "Red Zongyang Century-old hero - New China's first generation of general Ambassador Huang Zhen" micro video。The members of the Party committee team of the group company all participate in the study activities of the party group as ordinary party members。

  The meeting stressed that it is necessary to deeply understand the extreme importance of studying Party history, use history to illuminate its aspirations, and draw wisdom and strength to continue to move forward from the Party's 100-year great struggle。In order to further innovate the learning form of Party history, the branch carried out the activities of singing red songs to present a gift to the centennial birthday of the Party。

  The meeting stressed that it is necessary to learn to use the latest achievements of the Party's innovative theory to arm the mind, guide practice, and promote work, constantly enhance the awareness of struggle, enrich struggle experience, and improve struggle skills, and forge ahead for the reform and development of the group company。We should take the revolutionary predecessors as an example, inherit and carry forward their patriotic feelings of loyalty and selfless dedication to the party, and strive to contribute due strength to accelerate the construction of modern and happy Tongling in the new stage。