2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  In the "August 1" Army Day approaching, on the afternoon of July 31, the company's Party working committee held a symposium of retired soldiers and their families, the Party Working Committee secretary, chairman He Chenglong presided over the meeting, the Party Working Committee team members, the head of the comprehensive Department attended the meeting。

  At the symposium,14 ex-servicemen combined with their respective jobs,I shared my experience in the army and the feeling of working in a local area,Everyone said,This is the first time that I have participated in the festival since I left the army,He will always keep his character as a soldier in his future work,Fulfill one's duty,Work hard,Contribute to the deepening reform, transformation and development of the trading company。

  On behalf of the Party Working Committee of the company, He Chenglong thanked the retired soldiers for their contributions to the company, and extended cordial condolences and good wishes to the retired soldiers and their families。He pointed out that soldiers are most disciplined and must not forget the true nature of revolutionary soldiers in any post, and must unswervingly listen to the Party, follow the Party, always listen to the Party's command, and be loyal to the Party。To firmly establish the "four consciousness", firmly "four self-confidence", resolutely "four obedience", "two maintenance"。

  Ho Chenglong request,Continue to maintain the "blood" of soldiers,In the company to deepen reform, transformation and development on a new road,Focus on the main responsibility and main business,Focus on promoting the high-quality development of the city's comprehensive transportation,Give full play to the spirit quality of courage to bear hardships, courage to fight hard and never admit defeat, which is honed in the army,Keep the mission feelings that the career does not change and the retirement does not fade,Take the lead in maintaining social stability,Spread positive energy,Make new and greater contributions to new trading in the new era。

  He Chenglong stressed,The retired soldiers of the company are valuable assets for promoting the reform and development of trading, making it better and stronger,To regard them as the most lovely people, the most respectable people, their own relatives,We must resolutely implement relevant policies for veterans,We will earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of veterans,To get veterans decent jobs,Happy life。At the same time, it is necessary to vigorously publicize and report the advanced deeds of retired soldiers, form a good atmosphere of learning from soldiers, respecting soldiers, and advocating heroes, and contribute to the comprehensive construction of the Yangtze River (Anhui) Economic Belt with clean water, green industry and excellent beauty, and accelerate the construction of modern, happy and beautiful new Tongling。