2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the morning of September 26 and the afternoon of September 27, the two party groups of the second Party branch of the Group company respectively carried out party group learning activities, organized the study of the excerpt of the "Brief History of Socialist Development", and watched the micro-video of the "Story of corruption in the History of the Party"。

  The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to deeply study the "four histories" theory reader, comprehensively and accurately understand the course of socialist development, grasp its rich connotation and core significance, draw wisdom and strength from it, and practice the mission and responsibility of Party members of state-owned enterprises with practical actions。To take the older generation of revolutionaries as an example, do not forget the original heart, remember the mission, loyalty to the party, patriotic dedication, learn from their small families, take care of everyone, always adhere to the dedication of the work of the great cause of the party, consciously for the Communist faith, socialist faith and unremitting struggle。