2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  10月27日,The two party groups of the third Party branch of the Group company respectively carry out learning activities,传达学习习近平总书记在中央人大工作会议上发表的重要讲话以及《欧洲杯官方买球网址》《时代楷模:张连印--退休后返乡,Tree planting for 18 years,The Yellow land is green,And organized the party history knowledge test。

  会议指出,要深入学习习近平总书记在中央人大工作会议上发表的重要讲话,始终坚持人民的主体地位不动摇,坚持党的工作路线、方针、政策,紧紧围绕新时代中国特色社会主义道路,持续发展全过程民主。To follow the example of Zhang Lianyin, the model of The Times, do not forget the original heart, keep in mind the mission, and actively practice the political character of an old Communist Party member who is loyal to the party and willing to contribute。It is necessary to continue to strengthen the study and education of "four histories", constantly improve their party spirit and theoretical literacy, learn to arm their minds with innovative theories, guide practice, and promote work, and strive to contribute their due strength to the reform and development of the Group company。