2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  In order to further strengthen the construction of grassroots party organizations, fully implement the new requirements of grassroots party construction in the new era。From November 1 to 3, the Municipal Organization Department and the Municipal SASAC Party Committee jointly organized the 23rd demonstration training course of the "Thousands of Projects" of the city's Party members' education and training in 2021 at the Municipal Party School。The group's branch secretaries and party affairs staff participated in the centralized learning and training。

  The training invited Party School of Tongling Municipal Committee and Party building experts of Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Company to firmly grasp the general requirements of party building in the new era,从学习贯彻习近平总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会上的讲话、习近平法治思想、当前经济形势分析及对策思考以及国企2024欧洲杯下注平台实务等内容进行了深入细致地讲解,Provides students with ideological enlightenment;Indicate the direction of work;Practical skills are taught,Well received by the party staff。

  Through this training, the party affairs staff of the Group company have further improved their understanding and grasp of party building work, and comprehensively improved their theoretical literacy and practical operation ability。We all said that we should transform the knowledge learned into a strong driving force to promote work, and strive to make new and greater contributions to the high-quality development of the party building work of the group company。