2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the morning of November 5, the fourth Party branch of the Group company held a meeting to organize the study of the excerpt of the "Brief History of Socialist Development";Summarized the branch work in October, discussed and studied the branch work in November。

  The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to deeply study the "Brief History of Socialist Development", fully understand the whole process of socialist development, and take the initiative to learn the spirit of struggle of proletarian revolutionary teachers and countless revolutionary forefathers for the sake of socialism and belief, unswervingly and at the expense of sacrifice。It is necessary to further innovate the forms of branch activities, constantly enrich the content of activities, and make unremitting efforts to actively build a party building brand with branch characteristics。It is necessary to comprehensively summarize the work of the Party branch since this year, find out the shortcomings, analyze the reasons, make solid rectification, and strive to contribute due strength to the high-quality development of the party building work of the group company。