2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Union work

  On the afternoon of August 28, the company and the China Railway Bridge Survey and Design Institute staff basketball friendly match was held in the city's No. 3 gymnasium。

Wonderful moment

  With the sound of a whistle, all the players are vigorous, you chase me, full of passion;Clever passing, gorgeous turn, perfect shooting, tacit cooperation, not only showed personal style, but also reflected the team spirit, won the audience bursts of applause。Not to be outdone, the cheerleaders of both teams shouted and cheered for their players。After more than two hours of fierce competition, the trading company won the basketball friendly match with 59:49。

Wonderful moment

Wonderful moment

  The basketball friendly match not only enhanced the friendship between the two sides, broadened the channels of communication and exchange, but also fully demonstrated the spirit of all staff working hard and forging ahead, greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of staff solidarity and cooperation, and enhanced the cohesion of the team。