2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the morning of February 26, the Group company and the Tongling Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China jointly carried out a friendship mountaineering activity of "joining hands and climbing the peak" in the beautiful Bijia Mountain。Group company, Agricultural Bank of Tongling branch Party committee members, staff representatives a total of more than 100 people participated in mountaineering activities。

  On the same day, the staff of the group company and friends of the Agricultural Bank of Tongling Branch gathered at the gate of Bijiashan Square early in the morning, ready to go。As the commander gave the order, the climbing activity officially began。Everyone ran up the mountain road, all the way you chase me to catch up with the intense, but also hand in hand solidarity and mutual help, more lively laughter。About half an hour or so, everyone arrived at the end。

  Through this "Forge ahead hand in hand, climb the peak" friendship mountaineering activities, further encourage everyone to 踔厉 hard work, do not slack。At the same time, we encourage everyone to face a new starting point, new challenges and new tasks, to climb the high horizon, raise the benchmark, bravely stand on the tide, but also to be down-to-earth, work hard and work together, and strive to contribute more to the construction of "four creative two high" modern and happy Tongling。