2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the morning of May 19, the third Party branch of the Group company organized all Party members to go to the Limao Mountain Martyrs Cemetery in Ngee 'an District to carry out the theme "Party Day" activities with red resources。

  During the event, all Party members and comrades first went to the martyrs' monument to bow deeply to the revolutionary martyrs and pay the highest tribute to their dedication without fear of sacrifice and courage。

  随后,All Party members visited the Tongling Martyrs Memorial Hall,Rely on revisiting the red stories around you and one piece of relics with heavy history,So as to further strengthen the ideals and beliefs of Party members,Follow the example of our revolutionary ancestors,stay true to the mission,Remember the mission,Strive to contribute to the construction of modern and happy Tongling。