2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  To effectively strengthen the construction of Party conduct and clean government and fight against corruption,We will implement a new round of prevention and control of risks related to Party conduct and clean government,Further enhance the ability of Party members, cadres and staff to resist corruption and change,On the morning of June 16th,Jiangbei Port railway special line company Party branch joint project construction unit Party branch,Organize party members, cadres and workers to visit and study Zuoguangdou Memorial Hall of Hengshan Village, Hengbu Town,Receive education on honesty and integrity on site。

  Under the guidance of the staff, we have visited the hall, Qiankun Zhengqi Hall, the main exhibition hall, electronic hall and other exhibition halls。Observe the historical materials and cultural relics displayed in the museum, such as calligraphy and painting, classical books, piano and sword, seals, etc。Through the on-site explanation of the staff, the party members present were like being on the scene, and through this immersive experience, they personally felt the image of Zuo Guangdou's "iron King History" of being clean, caring for the people, and caring for the country。

   After the visit,Everyone said,Take this visit as an opportunity to learn,Combined with the "Year of Major projects" and "Change style, promote development, see action" activities,Strengthen the party spirit,Firm ideals and convictions,Keep a clear head at all times,Strengthen the ideological defense line of clean government,Show new responsibilities and realize new achievements in the new era,It has made due contributions to the construction of Tongling North Port Railway special line project and the high-quality development of Tongling Stock Exchange,Meet the Party's 20th Congress with outstanding results。