2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

    On the morning of July 15, Tong Yuanzhen, deputy director of the Municipal Rural Revitalization Bureau, went to the G3 Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge Project Department to carry out the theme of "Party Day" activities。Fang Jinsong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Group company, Zhu Chengyong of the Party and Mass Department and the relevant person in charge of the G3 Railway bridge project Department accompanied the participant。

  Tong Yuanzhen first visited the construction site staff, for them to send mineral water。Then watched the G3 public railway bridge promotional video, through the video a comprehensive introduction to the basic situation of the project。Subsequently, under the leadership of the person in charge of the project department, all party members visited the construction site and understood the progress of the project construction。Everyone said that we should take this event as an opportunity to make unremitting efforts for rural revitalization work。

  Finally, in the conference room of the South Bank project Department, the two sides had a discussion and exchange。Fang Jinsong introduced the basic situation of the trading group, and thanked the municipal Rural revitalization Bureau for the guidance and help of the company's rural revitalization work。Tong Yuanzhen said that party members and cadres of the Municipal Rural Revitalization Bureau should improve their political position, take the initiative to learn the fighting spirit of the trading Group and G3 builders, be proactive, pioneering and innovative, and contribute their due strength to the efforts to create a new Tongling。