2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Union work

  Little glimmer condensed the hope of love, trickle of blood into the river of life。In order to ensure the normal clinical medical treatment and emergency blood supply in our city, on the morning of February 22, the Group company actively responded to the call of the Municipal citizen Blood Donation Committee and organized more than 20 employees to carry out emergency compulsory blood donation activities。Group Party committee member, deputy general manager, chairman of the trade union Fan Meixia went to the scene of the event to sympathize with blood donors。

  Among the blood donation team, there are volunteers who insist on donating blood all year round, and there are new faces who participate in blood donation for the first time。Under the guidance of medical staff, they fill in the registration form in an orderly manner, carry out physical examination and blood screening, and the volunteers who meet the conditions for blood donation roll up their sleeves, extend their arms and donate blood。Everyone has said that unpaid blood donation is a noble social welfare cause, it is very meaningful to donate blood and pass on love, as long as physical conditions allow, they will continue to donate blood and contribute their own "help" to save lives.。

  This blood donation is the fourth consecutive year that the Group has organized collective voluntary blood donation activities。According to statistics, a total of 7,000 ml of blood was donated。This also fully shows the responsibility of the state-owned enterprise of the Municipal Exchange Group and the spirit of the party members, cadres and employees of the Group company who are enthusiastic about public welfare and selfless dedication, fully interprets the original intention and mission of serving the people, and establishes a good image of state-owned enterprise personnel in the new era。

  Trickle blood gathering love, selfless dedication to the mission。In the next step, Tongling Investment will continue to increase publicity, actively popularize knowledge of blood donation, promote the spirit of The Times with the courage to take responsibility and the courage to contribute, and contribute due strength to the society with practical actions。