2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Union work

  On the morning of March 10, the 2022 Tongling City Trade Union Work Award Conference was held in the Tongguan District Administrative Conference Center, and the meeting commended the advanced collectibles and individuals who achieved excellent results in 2022。Chen Changsheng, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, attended the meeting and made a speech。City Federation of trade unions Party Group secretary, vice chairman He Minsheng presided over the meeting。Zhang Kehua, leader of the discipline inspection and supervision group of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the Municipal People's Congress, members of the Party group of the Municipal Federation of Trade unions, vice chairman Zhu Yonghong, Wu Pujiang, Wu Yongsheng, part-time vice chairman of the Municipal Federation of trade unions Wang Lisheng, Fang Kai, chairman of the county and district Federation of trade unions, Party secretary and vice chairman attended the meeting。The trade union of the group company participated in the meeting as an award-winning advanced collective。

  At the meeting, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions awarded the trade union Committee of the Group company the honorary title of "Advanced Collective of the City's Trade union Work in 2022"。

  Chen Changsheng pointed out that the development of Tongling is in a critical period of transformation, especially the city's broad masses of workers and workers to concentrate and strive for success。He hopes,The broad masses of workers and workers should unswervingly follow the Party,做习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的忠诚实践者,Build new achievements based on positions,Be a great creator who supports reform and strives for progress;Trade unions at all levels are organized around the center,In the overall situation of service development to demonstrate the responsibility of trade unions,Trade union cadres at all levels shall take workers as the center,Be the "mother's family" and "good Samaritan" of the broad masses of workers。It is necessary to adhere to the goal of improving the cohesion of employees and expanding the influence on society, constantly strengthen the construction of trade union organizations, faithfully perform their duties, and strive to contribute to the construction of "four and two highs" modern and happy Tongling。