2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  In order to further enhance and consolidate the militia's comprehensive ability to respond to and deal with emergencies, the militia's awareness of fire safety has been continuously enhanced。On the morning of September 13, the armed forces Department of the Group company organized the militia to visit and talk with the special service squadron of the municipal fire rescue detachment。The head of the armed forces department of the group company, armed officers and all the militiamen participated。

  During the event, Gao Junjie, head of the fire special service squadron, introduced various fire fighting equipment in detail, focusing on the performance and use of various equipment and equipment, as well as the use of fire clothing and fire ropes。

  Finally, we had a discussion about theoretical learning, emergency rescue, daily work and so on。And have expressed,Fire safety is related to the stability of the whole society,Fire and rescue workers have a hard job,Their spirit of dedication is worthy of full praise and inheritance,I will make full use of this visit as an opportunity,Further enhance fire safety awareness,Improve fire defense capabilities,It lays a solid foundation for the fire safety work of the group company and the family。