2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the afternoon of February 21, the Group company held a regular meeting of the first quarter party building work, and the secretaries of the grass-roots party organizations, organization members, party building commissioners and league committee secretaries attended the meeting。The meeting was presided over by the person in charge of the Party and Mass Department, and Fang Jinsong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Group company, attended the meeting to guide and speak。

  The meeting conveyed and learned the spirit of documents such as the Organization Department of the CPC Tongling Municipal Committee issued the "Key Tasks of Grassroots Party building Work in the urban field in the first quarter of 2024", the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the CPC Tongling City issued the "key tasks of State-owned Enterprise Party building work in the first quarter of 2024", and the Party Secretary of the Municipal Enterprise to grasp the work plan of grassroots Party building Review and Evaluation ";The Party building commissioner made a report on the audit of the party building work during the theme education;therewith,Each branch secretary briefly summarized the work of the Party branch in the fourth quarter of 2023,The work plan of the branch in 2024 was discussed.The person in charge of the Party and Mass Department summarized the party building work in the fourth quarter,And deployed the key work of party building in the first quarter of 2024。

  Fang Jinsong pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the theoretical armed, continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of theme education, and learn to use the Party's innovative theory to arm the mind, guide practice, and promote work。It is necessary to innovate the form of branch activities, closely focus on the main business and phased work tasks of business owners, and constantly improve the quality of branch activities。It is necessary to implement the basic system of party building, do a solid job in the daily work of "three meetings and one lesson", the theme of "Party Day", organizational life, and the report of the secretary of the grassroots Party group, improve standardized construction, strengthen political functions, and stimulate the vitality of party building。