2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the morning of April 3rd,The fourth Party branch of the group company held a branch committee,传达学习了习近平总书记关于国资国企的重要讲话精神以及《2024欧洲杯下注平台》——抓实青年理论武装,The whole content of building a solid foundation of ideals and beliefs;A comprehensive summary of the branch work in March,The work of the branch in April was discussed and studied。

  The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to persist in transforming the large system and principle of the Party's innovation theory into micro-elements and small stories that are easy for party members to understand and accept, and continue to promote party members to have a deeper understanding of the value pursuit and emotional temperature behind scientific theories。It is necessary to do a solid job of the "second half of the article" of the branch secretary's job review, carefully analyze the reasons, draw lessons from one another, and ensure that the existing problems are rectified and implemented。It is necessary to strengthen the branding leadership, effectively highlight the positive spirit and youthful vigor of young people, and strive to contribute to the high-quality development of enterprises。