2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the afternoon of March 7, the Party branch of the group company held a party member meeting to discuss the conversion of Comrade Chen Xueyan, a probationary party member, and the leadership of the Party working committee of the company participated in the activities as ordinary party members。

  At the meeting, Chen Xueyan, a probationary member of the Communist Party of China, submitted an application for formal transfer, reported the ideological dynamics and learning work since the preparatory period, the Party group introduced the relevant situation during the investigation of probationary members, the branch committee reported the examination report of probationary members, and the participating party members expressed their opinions on whether they could be transferred to a regular position。Finally, all the staff voted by secret ballot and unanimously agreed that Comrade Chen Xueyan would be transferred as scheduled。

  Meeting requirement,New party members should take this as a new starting point,Tree fast four consciousness,Strengthen the four self-confidence,Practice two maintenance,In accordance with the requirements of the Party Constitution,Continue to maintain a vigorous and enterprising spirit,Conscientiously fulfill the obligations of Party members,We will carry forward the fine work style of the CPC,Always remember your mission and responsibility,Firm belief,In work and life, we must ask for the standards of party members,Learn more,Constantly master new knowledge, familiar with new fields, open up new horizons,Achieve new progress。It is necessary to base on the position, bravely shoulder the burden, actively play the vanguard role, and make due contributions to the party building, transformation and development of the group company。