2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Project construction

  Recently, the G236 Qingtong River Bridge reconstruction project took advantage of the good weather to grasp the key points, overcome difficulties, and protect nodes, and set off a big boom in grabbing jobs。

  Since the resumption of work and production, the G236 Qingtong River Bridge project has rationally arranged the construction period under the premise of ensuring the construction safety and quality, and ensured the stable and orderly progress of construction and production by increasing the investment of manpower, machinery and equipment。In order to successfully complete the target of opening to traffic by the end of this year, the G236 project Office organized the participating units to fully ensure the completion of major node tasks through a series of measures such as formulating node target plans, overall construction planning, task layer by layer decomposition, and responsibility implementation。

  Now the construction area all staff open the "5+2", "white and black" mode, adhere to hard work, fast work hard, work out actual results, move forward toward the established goals, and sprint toward the final victory。Up to now, the project has completed the left side of the smooth diversion to traffic, Qingtong River bridge demolition completed;The roadbed project has been basically completed, and the road has entered the stage of large-scale drying.The lower part of the right approach bridge has been basically completed and is about to enter the beam and plate installation stage.The lower part of the main bridge has completed and entered the sprinting stage of suspension。