2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Project construction

  On the afternoon of September 7, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission organized the feasibility study review meeting of G330 Tongling Section One road reconstruction project, and representatives of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, Planning Bureau, Land Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, Water Bureau, trading company, Zhongyang County government, Yi 'an District government, suburban government, Puji Wei Group and other units participated in the meeting。

  会上,The participating experts and representatives listened to the report of the preparation unit and the opinions of relevant departments,Reviewed the text,After much discussion,The expert group adopted the project feasibility study report in principle,At the same time, it is suggested to further clarify the distribution range of traffic volume forecast,The effects of transfer traffic volume and high-speed rerouting traffic volume are also considered,Verifying traffic forecast results;According to traffic organization needs,The high-speed interworking scheme between the project and G347 and G3 is further demonstrated,And consider the future high-speed rerouting demand;In accordance with capital construction procedures and approval requirements,We should do a good job in the connection between this project and the departments of planning, environmental protection, railway and highway,Supplement relevant annexes。