2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Project construction

  On the morning of November 10th,G236 Qingtong River Bridge reconstruction project design document expert review meeting was held in the company conference room,Chizhou City Transportation Bureau, Jiangnan centralized area Management Committee,Tongling City development and Reform Commission, planning Bureau, land Bureau, Transportation Bureau, Environmental protection Bureau, port and navigation Bureau, water Bureau, Agricultural Commission, Earthquake Bureau, investment company, suburban government, highway bureau and other unit representatives attended the meeting。

  The experts and representatives at the meeting listened carefully to the report of the design unit Anhui Provincial Transportation Planning and Design Research Institute Co., LTD., reviewed the preliminary design documents, and approved the preliminary design in principle after careful review。At the same time, it is suggested to complete the relevant thematic demonstration and approval as soon as possible, and do a good job in the docking of the design end point of the project and the design content of the Chizhou section。